our blog

Year end letter from Jan and Vanessa

Season's Greetings from Vanessa & Jan


Hello blog readers! We just wanted to write a quick note to let you know how thankful we are to know you, to serve you and your referrals, and to be able to keep in touch with you via this blog and our newsletter. 

This past year was a fun and busy one for us. We had 9 listings, assisted 13 buyers, and enjoyed our time as we partnered to serve our customers. It has been an honor to put our real estate knowledge to work for you.

This holiday season, we look back on this past year and feel like we accomplished a lot! We built our website from scratch (all by ourselves! we recommend Squarespace), started our monthly newsletter and blog content, took many continuing education courses to stay sharp, and formed relationships with new customers.

On a personal level, Jan continued to ride her horse & improve her horsemanship, enjoyed play time with her grandkids (including welcoming a new grandson into the family), and traveling. Vanessa started a women's cultural arts group on Facebook to support the visual & performing arts here in town, Orlando Ladies who Love the Arts {OLLA} (if you'd like to join, click here!). She also moved 2.5 miles down the street into a new home which she is enjoying very much.

We hope that 2018 brings you and yours happiness & fulfillment, that you continue to find purpose and joy in your life, that you always have love and prosperity surrounding you. Incredibly fortunate are we to have so many great customers who continue to refer us to friends and family; we appreciate your support and votes of confidence in us.

We wish you a wonderful holiday season, and an enchanting new year! See you in 2018!

Vanessa Loomie